Monday, May 08, 2006

Of logic bombs, lucky accidents and...

Okay, let's just get real.

My body just ticked off a logic bomb this morning. Once anyone talks about my piano class this week, my body just heats up madly fast and I'll just go flat. With a high fever. I needed a mantra and some good rest to get out of for now, don't talk about my piano class..maybe until tomorrow.

On the way to college, my father and I were stuck in a traffic crawl near the LDP PJ toll plaza. As we were nearing the toll, my father bumped onto the car in front and suffered a huge impact. It was so loud, I thought it would be a major accident or something..but then my father treated it like normal. We then approached the car in front after the toll..realised that the lady's car isn't affected, thank goodness! And dad's car just went a little bit 'kemek' at the front, so no worries! My dad needed to hurry for Port Klang, btw..:P

Hmm, there's an article that I went through..and found the heading quite interesting:

You Sank My Tourist Attraction!

But then, this is mostly about U.S. stuff..(EDIT: This is only available to WSJ subscribers, so sorry if you can't get through!)

If you wanna get something nearer to home, maybe this would work:

Teachers in a blog spot

Who said students can't flame teachers? :P


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