Sunday, October 02, 2005

Feeling dumb..

It's been quite some time since I last blogged here..many apologies!

Mom and I got caught in an accident today. Didn't even notice it..until the lady from the other car screamed at us in Cantonese: "Hey, you knocked into my car!"
What's the big deal with a small Kancil / Kelisa?
Mom then went out of the car..and apologised. That's okay.
But went awry. As I know, Mom got into the car again, slamming the driver's door and took out RM100 from her pouch..screamed back, also in Cantonese: "Hey, can't you just wait a while? You think I'm running away?"..and slamming the door again.
I wanted to slam myself out of the 'glided cage' (I don't know if this is the right phrase to use) and say "Hey, that's your fault for parking your car there (she actually double parked) and you should pay double the amount of money we pay to you! At least RM350!!"

After that, Mom almost launched at me..saying that I should have been out there to help her. How am I to do that since she locked me in the car the whole incident? :-?

Anyway, check out Sara's blog..she has some interesting quotes! :P

Will update later!
