Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Doublespeak, again

I've been thinking about this while typing: how the Malaysian government was (and still is) able to instil some glorified opinions on the nation's history, when in actual fact it still depends on an individual's opinion?

First, it was Sejarah; and now, PTK (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan - an assessment system for government civil servants).

One of my teachers just gave me this to type, and I'm sorry to say that part of it was, erm, confusing. No, CONTRADICTORY.

(The topic was about how education personnel can interpret Vision 2020 in order to instil harmony)

'...memperkasakan sekolah...'

Hey, schools are already of good use when you need them; but memperkasakan? It's a bit too much, isn't it?

To make it more exaggerating:
'...memperkasakan pula bermaksud suatu tindakan atau perbuatan untuk menghasilkan kehebatan, kekuatan atau kegagahan.'

Can schools be dipergagahkan? Like Badang (a strong man based on Malay legend), I suppose...

'Pada saat ini kita menghargai betapa murninya masyarakat pelbagai kaum kita...'

Whoa...murni? :-S

'...mereka telah menjiwai dan menghayati naluri kehidupan di Tanah Melayu serta bersedia dengan rela hati menerima satu perkongsian.'

How's that for doublespeak? Dengan rela hati....

'...wujudlah satu bangsa Malaysia dan satu jati diri yang berlandaskan unsur-unsur keMalaysiaan'

Unsur-unsur keMalaysiaan? Do you mean that we're going to get Malaysianised?

Actually, there'll be many more after this...but this should be sufficient for now.

BTW, when I wanted to type Malaysia, I kept on typing Malaysai instead. Malay-sai!!:(
Unless we don't wake up from this mess, we're not going to forge further!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"malay-sai" tte... chotto ne ^_^;;... but i agree that the government do get a bit overboard about being patriotic and stuffs.