Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006!! :)

Well, another year has passed us by without a trace, and fireworks sparkle (is this right?)in the sky to usher in the new year. And with the blink of an eye, they have gone too.

But what have I done? Other than SPM, it's usually nothing.

Well, the Singapore trip was ok...a lot of things happened. (Not in chronological order)

- Sara's got an IPod Nano for Christmas. And a Roxy watch too!! Those made Kat, Merie and I freak out..NO WAY!! At least Merie and Kat's got a board game as an extra...I've got the least! (P.S.: Sara had the biggest surprise; the harpist statue she wanted badly was hers. And when she asked the shopkeeper, he said there were no more of that sort. She was extremely sad about it. It turned out that her mother [Aunt Suit Fong] bought the statue earlier..and gave it to her as a present! :) ) Being happy for everyone in the end :)

- The crackers pulling: I've got a wine stopper and a mirror. Quite okay, I think..

- Went to East Coast Park. Had an embarassment (mind you, a HUGE one) when I realised I can't ride a bike. was frustrating!! But lots of thanks to Uncle Chee Wah...he took me around the left side of the park (EAP), but not as far as the Bedok Jetty.

- Hit the alleys at the same time, same place. It's my first time, but I've hit a spare and a strike! Oh me...:P But the one in the spotlight was Sean: he was looking forward to it for a long time, and just couldn't wait to hold the ball. And he got the highest points for the whole field (well, at least not in my group..:P). [I think I bowled well, as a starter..hehe!]

- The day before going back: 7 hours of non-stop shopping at Orchard Road. I can't believe I could withstand that!! What's worse, we headed to Borders first...and ended up with 6 heavy bags to carry with!! After that, went to Heerens - I've got myself an Enya CD..(which I'm currently listening to); Merie's got a Nickelback CD and wallet (MYUK); for Kat: a wallet (Billabong), pencil box & clothes; Sara...a hand net (which proves she's a rocker) and a wristband (rock star like)...oh my! Aunt Suet Chin had a lot to buy; after all money's the commodity in shopping, right? She mainly did the spending too! We've gone to Tangs and Ngee Ann City (Takashimaya) too.

- Casualties: Me - cold, Merie - nausea, vomitting

That's all I could's the condensed version of everything, couldn't put everything into words.

New Year resolutions (me, of course):
>> Finish Grade 8 piano practical
>> Start the year well...get a part time job or something
>> Flying colours for SPM
>> Get a scholarship (but chances are very slim)
>> Enjoy my studying times
>> Prevent procrastination (oh man, I seem to not do this every year!!)
>> Get some CDs, books (especially a few authors: Terry Pratchett, JK Rowling - HP Bk 6)
>> Hope family goes well with everything
>> Learn more languages, especially Mandarin ( other languages are great too!!) and some new skills!

(for now, that's all...update more later!!)



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