Monday, November 22, 2004 it goes: Part III

Day Three:

(This is the day we went the least places....mostly it happens at home!)

After a tiring day the night before, we got the chance to rise from bed least it's around 10.00 a.m.!! Ah......the rest we could superbly need.

Went online ('s actually a few times the whole trip) but Kat took the comp (I switched it on!! So Unfair!!). Anyway, this was the time that Sara gave us her Neopets account....and at least I had the chance to be there for a while....

Around lunchtime (hey, lunch is not necessarily at noon).....okay, after lunch (to be precise), we had a dip at the jacuzzi at her home. Wow! (I wish I could have swam there, but it was too small.....) This time, Sean joined in the fun! It was great all in all although I had a few cuts on two of my fingers (well, too much fun causes trouble, I guess).
Then, I helped Aunt Suit Fong at decorating the Christmas tree. At first I thought there would be less work, but then Aunt Suit Fong was so meticulous that she said that the lights weren't enough. Therefore, we had to get to the nursery to get some flowers and buy lights there.
We went to two nurseries, the Far East Flora where we bought some tulips and shopped for some plant containers (more like wide bowls actually)....and I saw the pitcher plant (periuk kera....they called it the Venus Fly Trap) in pots!! (Well, we weren't supposed to touch the plant, otherwise they would slowly sad!!)
Then, there's the second one, the Goodwill Plants (which specialises in landscaping). There wasn't anything much there, since it was just newly opened...and we managed to find the lights we needed there.

Ahh....home again.With the help of Mel, we decorated the tree again....and it was more beautiful then before!! Then the balls were put. There were green and gold balls there, so wew hung up those according to colours and space (in between them). After all the hard work, the fairy was put at the top of the tree....and voila! DONE!! It was great...definitely is.

During the night, we had a barbecue at the garden (well, it's not big, actually....the space was just enough to set up all the equipments! :P) I didn't know there were two guests coming add colour to the occasion (to them...but I'd prefer my friends there, with all family members!) I ate just a 'alas perut' only! Then, the sleep time comes.....Zzzzzzz....

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