Sunday, June 25, 2006

Call me heartless. Call me bitch. Or anything else you want.

Wait 'til you hear the reason for this...

If you're curious enough, welcome. If not, seriously, BACK OFF!

"It was an early Saturday morning usual, attending lessons...crappy ones. It came from:

1. Piano practical: Scales - not enough, pieces - not passable. Great. That's what you get for doing things at the eleventh hour.

2. After piano: Thought we were heading for Bangsar...but then "she" decided to head home."

Okay, that was fine....until this:

3. At home: Washing machine's gone bonkers. Dad was busy attending to clients on the phone...the 'machine' (as it was not functioning as it should) just stopped. Only 27 minutes remaining. "she" lectured at him...resulting in a tantrum between both people. Then, heck, "she" went screaming at him...until the whole house went off the hook (chak nguk). To make it even worse, the clothes weren't spinning, just water flowing made Dad very angry and just gave up. In the end, I helped to look after it and gave an idea to solve the problem...but Mom just won't accept. (Great - "she"'s making all the decisions in the house.) In fact, the machine's gone rosak since about a year ago...and it has not been sent for repairs. Tension 1.

4. Tension 2: At BSC (Bangsar Shopping Centre) - I was going for facial treatment (yeah, it's been TOO long since I've done something good to it) at was the second treatment in a 7 week progamme. Just when we were about to go up, I wanted to get a book up (yup, I'm extremely bored without it) but "she" just doesn't want. Even though I seriously pleaded and coaxed and obliged her for a few more times (I needed to catch up on my reading, actually), "she" just simply said "NO, otherwise you don't go!" I was fuming mad...until I don't even want to care. "She" even asked me about where was the place...and "she" has been there just last week. Damn "her". So I didn't care and told "her", "Well, if you can, just follow's at the other side of the centre." I walked as brisk as possible with the intention of "her" not being able to follow me. I didn't even want to talk to her. A bit later, I tried to get the situation not as tense...but it's still as it is. DKDC.

5. At home: It was night time...and "she", oh well, the usual. It wasn't so bad until "she" suddenly switched off the TV when we were enjoying a World Cup match (it was Germany vs Sweden that time). Not only that, "she" even pulled off the plug despite Dad's pleas to watch the second half of the match. And "she" even dared to call me to sleep when I was happily being online.


World Cup's only being held once in every four's a massive tournament, not to mention watching GREAT football. Just allow us to have at least one whole match every night, can you?

Well, I'm defying "her" orders...just have to.

The "she" and "her" refers to the same person...Mom. I really hate her, until to the state of loathing...not only she controls everything from head to toe, she expects everyone to tend to her tender mercies...thus earning the nickname "Empress of The House". Dad & I can't withstand her, really, as she spends money like running water...sometimes makes me think whether I should trust her when it comes to saving she promised at the beginning of the year.

I'm not a control freak, btw, I just need some breathing space and a chance to voice out my opinions. In fact, she's the main reason for the stress that I have...everything's jolly when she isn't here. But then again, since she has made so much for the house, I still have to go with the flow, lol.

I just hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The house just needs CHANGE.

BGM: Jolin Tsai - Wu Niang

Saturday, June 03, 2006



Sleeping while on duty

Threatening co-workers

Refusing to perform assigned duties


Conviction of criminal offence

Tarnishing of company image


Infraction of company policies

Safety procedures ignored

Carrying out illegal / immoral activities in company premises

Irregular attendance

Poor performance


Improper behaviour

Negative attitude


Nip it from the textbooks. ;)

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Have the chance to see friends's during the Hari Anugerah Cemerlang PTK (Kasturi) for SPM 2005 scorers. I don't know, it's been some time..and I'm just too lonely to be true :( Too bad it's in the middle of June!

Oh yeah, I've forgotten to mention what CBE's the Computer Based Examinations. ACCA is one of the very few providers who offer this.. it's actually doing exams through the computer. Luckily my questions were all in MCQs, so it's easier to answer.
However, it's a bit scary, doing it on a platform where you usually relax...

Results are already out, btw...

P1: 96% (one of the Group 6 people got 100%..:( )
P2: 82%

P1 was okay, it was like reiterating Datin Khoo's stuff all the time..except VAT. But in whole, I'm satisfied. :)
P2..haihz, lower than I expected. The theory portion was okay, some I.T. and management & cost accounting questions... but the thing that made me sad was the calculations. They were quite difficult..everyone said it was tough. One of my questions was finding ROI (return on investment) when asset turnover and net profit margin is given. And they tested me on ratios..capacity, activity and efficiency ratios. Only had the time to check once. NOT GOOD.

Feeling like a wreck now...hate the outbreaks on my face. :( And some other stuff too.

NOTE: student accountant is the BEST magazine ever. Seriously.

'If you haven't experienced success in your mind, you're unlikely to experience it in reality.'